Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Emotion is currently down for maintenance

I seriously can't feel myself recently.
Everything that I want to do is merely to protect the relationship.
He asked, why you like to post emo posts on your blog.
I answered, I have no choice but to post here. I don't know how to express the deepest feeling in me.

My heart cracked at one edge when I saw all the wordings;
my heart missed a beat when I noticed that her eyes were chasing your existence;
my heart cried when she worth something that I don't even have;
my heart is full of scars when she remembers every single details of you.

I missed out all the moments, I forgot all the details, I... I worth nothing but a cold smile of me.

Emotion is currently down for maintenance.
Until a day I am back with a real me, that's the time I am gonna shine for myself.

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